Aims & scope

Publication ethics

The selection of the articles to be published in our journal is made according to the highest standards of publication ethics. In order to prevent publication malpractice, the authors must submit original works with contents which do not include parts that have been copied or plagiarised. The results of the research must be accurate, clear and significant for the scientific field covered by our publication. Authors must submit an article to only one publication at a time and avoid submitting contents that have already been published. If an article is the work of a research team, it will be published only with the consent of all the co-authors.
Any potential conflicts of interests will be avoided by selecting the articles based on an objective peer-review procedure. Peer reviewers must judge the content of each article disregarding authors' race, religion, sex, age or affiliation. For ensuring the objectivity, no peer reviewer will evaluate the work of an author with whom he/she has a personal or professional connection or conflict. Communicating to a third party any information related to the evaluated article or author is forbidden. The peer report should be clear, evidenced and substantial.
Publication ethics and publication malpractice statements for our journal follow the recommendations and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE,